by Amy Alton, Communications Associate
Originally posted on September 16, 2008
The people have spoken! And they want The Salty Blog!
Having difficulty coming up with a name ourselves, we asked you to democratically elect the name of our first-ever blog. As with any election, voter turnout could have been better, races were tight, and there were even a couple of folks who mounted a strong write-in campaign. The votes were close, but in the end, however, the clear winner was The Salty Blog.
We find this a fitting title given the nearly 50 years of experience we have protecting, restoring, and celebrating San Francisco Bay. And just as the Bay features a brackish mix of salt water from the Pacific with the fresh waters of our rivers and creeks, The Salty Blog will also include a mix of influences and varied topics.
Through this foray into new media, we plan give you the inside scoop on our progressive, and sometimes controversial, advocacy initiatives. And we will show you a new side of Save The Bay—one where you will get to know our staff, and see what we do day to day as the region’s leading champion of San Francisco Bay.
Thanks to all those who cast their vote; and in doing so, helped shape the image of a new and important element of our organization. Be sure to check out our previous entries and add us to your RSS feed for regular updates!
And welcome to The Salty Blog!