By Megan Kelso, Restoration Field Educator
The W Hotel has its eye on sustainability. And saving the Bay is part of that process.
The San Francisco hotel is working to become LEED certified and as part of that certification, they have volunteered with Save the Bay several times, getting their hands dirty by restoring wetland and upland habitat.
A couple of weeks ago, we hosted our first restoration program of the New Year with W employees. About 50 of us headed out to Eden Landing Ecological Reserve along the Hayward shoreline where the volunteers planted and caged nearly 300 gum plants (Grindelia stricta) and picked up three big bags of trash!
Their work has been instrumental in helping us improve habitat at this site, reach our goal to plant 25,000 native seedlings this winter and restore 100,000 acres of healthy wetlands around the Bay.
To learn more about how your employee team or community group can volunteer with Save The Bay, go to